Save Money on Your Prescriptions by Using the Right Services

Save Money on Your Prescriptions by Using the Right Services
April 5, 2021

Healthcare costs in the United States are outrageous, and a medical emergency in the United States can often lead to a financial crisis for the average American. For those who rely on regular doctors’ visits and daily prescription medications, the costs can become incredibly burdensome.

Healthcare is a necessity that so many people require in order to live their lives, and access to care is a right that is often treated as a privilege. Fortunately, there are several emerging options that are helping American’s afford the medications they need, and below we explore a few of these.

1. Prescription Discount Cards


Pharmacy discount programs like America’s Pharmacy negotiate discounts on bulk drug prices with pharmacy owners. As a result of this, customers can then access affordable prescriptions at their local pharmacies using a free card or America’s Pharmacy free app.

When you use a discount drug card/coupon to fill your prescription, the pharmacy recompenses the discount program. As a result of this, pharmacies many uninsured/cash-paying clients now have the capacity to pay for their prescriptions.

To use America’s Pharmacy card, simply go to the company site, enter the name of your prescription, set your geographical location, and you’ll see what your local pharmacy charges for your medication. America’s Pharmacy will then give you a free discount prescription card that you can receive via email, or text.

Print the card, and the next time you need to get a prescription order filled, just show your coupon/card to your pharmacist. Your pharmacist should already know how to use America’s Pharmacy app.

Please note that America’s Pharmacy isn’t an insurance plan, but a drug savings program.

2. Try Generics


If your doctor writes you a prescription for a brand-name drug, this doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on the medication. Most brand-name drugs have more affordable, generic versions of their drugs. To explain, generic drugs are imitations of brand-name drugs. These drugs have the same pharmacological effects (active ingredients, dosage, side effects, mode of administration, and potency) as the original drug, only, they’re more affordable.

When looking to save money, ask your doctor to write you a prescription for the generic version of medication instead. Also, ask your pharmacist if they carry generic alternatives to a brand medication.

3. Ask for a larger dose.


Some prescription medications can be apportioned with a pill-splitter. During your next appointment, ask your doctor if this can be applied to your medication. Also, ask it’s possible to get a double dose. For instance, ask if you can get 10-milligram (mg) pills that can be split into 5-mg pills.

4. Compare Drug Prices


Before booking a flight, you compare different airline costs and departure times. When buying clothes (especially on a budget) you might wait for a sale to save some cash. If this is common practice, why should selecting your medication be any different?

While most Americans may need a prescription at some point in their lives, what most people don’t know is that the cost of medications varies between pharmacies/drugstores. For instance, switching from Rite Aid to CVS (or vice versa) could help you lower your spending.

If you have several prescriptions, you don’t have to visit multiple pharmacies to compare prices. Try to search your prescription on America’s Pharmacy, enter your zip code to find local pharmacies with the best prices. Alternatively, you can call independent pharmacies, or large retailers like Walgreens, Walmart, Costco, and Target to compare prices.

If you’re having a hard time financially, explain your situation to your doctor or pharmacist. Chances are, they may be able to find an affordable alternative.

Written By
Staff Reporter

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